5 Easy Ways to Retain Salon Clients & Transform Them Into Lifelong Fans

Attracting salon clients takes a lot of work, but the true challenge lies in retaining them. All too often we see many salons looking virtually empty, which sends a bad message to onlooking potential customers. Empty Salon = Bad Service.

And so you have your salon’s website and salon’s social media marketing down pat, but you can’t seem to re-book and keep clients. What could possibly be wrong? It might have something to do with your client retention system. If you don’t have one in place, then we suggest creating one.

Below are 5 tried-and-tested ways on how to retain your salon clients and create loyalty!

Tips for Retaining Salon Clients


Measure Your Retention

As a business owner, you need to have a system in place to measure your client retention. Keep track of the dates and how frequent your new and existing clients come to your salon. Doing so helps you set retention goals based on the data that you have and allows you to identify clients that you need to focus on.

Reward Your Staff & Clients

Everyone responds positively to a reward. When you provide incentives to your staff in exchange for improving their client retention, they’ll be more motivated to work. Rewards like giving them a raise or throwing them a mini-party are excellent strategies to inspire your team to reach your business goal.

The same can be said about client rewards. Clients who are offered referral/next-visit discounts or personalized welcome kits are more likely to book a service again. These rewards make them feel that you value their loyalty, thus reinforcing repeat behavior. Programs like Point Rewards, Punch Card, and VIP Tiers have also been proven to be effective in encouraging clients to continue visiting their local salon.

Pre-book Clients

Pre-booking your clients for the next appointment before they leave your salon is an effective way to increase the possibility of them returning. Emphasize the benefits of maintaining their look or booking ahead of time during the busy holiday season.

This is also the perfect opportunity to mention your Pre-Pay Program. This guarantees that they will keep coming and frequent your salon since they’ve already paid for it. Aside from that, it’s also been statistically proven that clients who’ve pre-paid the service tend to spend more afterwards, adding to your sales goals.

Sell Retail

First-time clients tend to return when they purchase retail, especially if they liked the product. And once that happens, you’ve just earned their trust. This is the only opportunity you need to start building a relationship with a new client.

Have them test new products you’re thinking of bringing to your salon and ask for their opinion. This will send a message that you don’t only see them as a client but also a part of your salon family.


TIP: Carry salon exclusive products like Oway so clients have no option but to visit you to get what they need.

Be Consistent


Hairdressing is an experience-driven industry.

Clients come to you to relax and have a great time. So when they consistently receive excellent service, they’re sure to book again and again.

Forge friendships with them by sending personal notes, listening to their concerns, and creating a pleasing customer experience each time they visit. The next thing you know, they’ll be telling their friends and family how amazing your salon is.