10 Time Management Tips for Stylists and Salons

🌿 Productivity = Profitability

Good organization & time management are key to generating more profitability in your salon or suite.  You’ve heard the age-old aphorism, “Time is money” and as a hair stylist, that couldn’t be more true. Here are 10 tips for maximum productivity without the burnout. 

  • Create obtainable long and short-term goals to help motivate you.
  • Prioritize Tasks (Create a daily plan!)
  • Delegate tasks if you work with an assistant
  • Don’t work with an assistant? Don’t be afraid to ask your fellow stylists for help! 
  • Use Technology to help manage your time (booking apps, setting reminders, timers, etc.) 
  • Learn to say no. Your time is valuable too! We love our guests, but it’s healthy to have set boundaries. 
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s not worth it!
  • Eliminate time wasting activities. We love social media, but sometimes it can be healthy to take a break. 
  • Be kind, always. Smiling and being kind even when you aren’t feeling it can actually end up putting you in a better mood (science!) and when you’re in a good mood, work feels less like work and more like play.
  • Speaking of play: Don’t forget to! Yes, productivity and profit matter, but your mental and emotional health matter far more. Don’t feel guilty for taking time for yourself to do or create things that matter to you.