We Put O&M CØR.color to the Test and Here Are the Results

By now, you have heard about our new Original & Mineral CØR.color, which we launched last week. You already know the major facts about this revolutionary hair color, its nourishing Desert Harvest ingredients, the innovative Molecular Blend Technology that powers it, and much-improved range. Naturally, you must be curious – how does it differ from Mineral.CCT? Is it better than its predecessor?

We tested CØR.color on ourselves and we were blown away by the results. Check out the before-and-after transformations below.


Plum and purple hair are popular requests during Fall season.

To make some pieces pop, we lightened some sections with O&M Ammonia Free Keratin Powder Lightener and O&M CØR.color 30 vol Activator. Daphne still had some old color on her hair, so we did a 10-minute color cleanse at the bowl. Afterwards, we toned with our new O&M CØR.color 0.00 Clear to break the base then painted with O&M CØR.color 0.66 Violet Pure Color.

The result is a silky soft Mulberry shade that complemented Daphne’s olive skin tone.

Golden Brown

Denise wanted to refresh her old color needed so we gave her that and more. We mixed of O&M CØR.color 5.0 Light Brown and O&M CØR.color 5.4 Light Copper Brown to brighten her up and added some highlights throughout to break up her gorgeous new golden brown base.

Bombshell Blonde

Patricia came in with new growth showing. To soften it up, we bumped up the base of her front hair with one of the CØR.color High Lift Blondes – Intense Ash, and 0.00 Clear from the Occipital Bone down to the base break. After processing, we added new highlights all over to add dimension and movement to her bombshell blonde hair.

Bombshell Blonde Hair Color Formula

Base Bump: O&M CØR.color 12.11 Super Blond Intense Ash (Front) + O&M CØR.color 0.00 Clear (Occipital Bone) + O&M CØR.color 20 vol Activator

Processing Time: 20 minutes

Highlights: O&M Ammonia Free Keratin Powder Lightener + O&M CØR.color 20 vol Activator


Mahogany Red

Compared to Mineral.CCT, the new O&M CØR.color is more neutral – which you can see below. This newest development will make formulation easier as it offers a perfect balance between warm and cool tones. Toni has a cool undertone and the dark, rich blend of red, purple, and brown in O&M CØR.color’s 44.65 perfectly complemented her skin tone.


Mahogany Red Hair Color Formula

Regrowth: O&M CØR.color 44.65 Red Intense Brown Mixed 1:1.5 with  O&M CØR.color 10 vol Activator

Mids & Ends: O&M CØR.color 44.65 Red Intense Brown Mixed 1:1.5 with  O&M CØR.color 30 vol Activator

Questions? Let us know what you think in the comments!